Written by: Matt Evans
Once again we put on the Indy Open! This is our second year doing a major dedicated Star Wars Legion event. We had 47 players over 2-days (Friday/Saturday) playing a total of six games. We had lots of laughs, loads of fun and more Star Wars than you can shake a stick at. We encourage many levels of play at our events but as always we do want to highlight the top 8 performers and their lists!
But before we do that I want to give a shout out to our awesome TO staff, stream team and anyone else that had a hand in making this event possible even if that was just stacking chairs. Thank you so much!
Top 8 – Indy Open
8th Place – Andrew Maximiuk | Cincinnati Outpost
800 Points (10 Activations)
Iden Versio (Hunter, Iden's TL-50 Repeater)
2x DF-90 Mortar Trooper
Shoretroopers (T-21B Trooper)
2x Shoretroopers (T-21B Trooper, Recon Intel)
Imperial Special Forces (Inferno Squad) (Del Meeko, Gideon Hask)
3x Range Troopers (DLT-20A Range Trooper)
Battle Deck:
Major Offensive, The Long March, Battle Lines, Disarray
Payload, Sabotage the Moisture Vaporators, Intercept the Transmissions, Hostage Exchange
Minefield, Hostile Environment, Supply Drop, Clear Conditions
Command Hand:
Pulse Scan•, Ambush•, Concussive Blast••, Pinned Down••, Tactical Strike•••, Coordinated Fire•••, Standing Orders••••
It's good to see that Iden is still going strong! A classic tac strike list here with some special forces stripped down to make room for the superior firepower of range troopers. You also get some spicy options to fire support with both mortars and a lot of range 4. This list is a gun line on steroids and made its way into the top 8 doing what it does best. Great job Andrew!
7th Place – Karl Maurer | Indy Garrison
797/800 (10 activations)
Rebel Officer
Sabine Wren (Situational Awareness, Electro Grappling Line, Prepared Supplies, The Darksaber)
2× Rebel Veterans (CM-O 93 Trooper)
2× Mark II Medium Blaster Trooper
Mandalorian Resistance Clan Wren (Tristan Wren, Ursa Wren, Situational Awareness, Prepared Supplies, Jetpack Rockets)
Mandalorian Resistance (Situational Awareness, Prepared Supplies, Jetpack Rockets)
2× Tauntaun Riders
Battle Deck:
Hemmed In, Danger Close, Disarray, Advanced Positions
Recover the Supplies, Bombing Run, Breakthrough, Hostage Exchange
Minefield, War Weary, Fortified Positions, Clear Conditions
Command Hand:
• Explosions!, • Sabotaged Communications, •• Symbol of Rebellion, •• Push, ••• Assault, ••• Legacy of Mandalore, •••• Standing Orders
Indianapolis is the heart of rebel territory in Star Wars Legion! Karl has a great smash and grab list here that causes a lot of chaos for his opponent with tauntauns, sabines explosions and a clan wren rocket shot. A great showing for Karl and his Rebel team. #sabineforever
6th Place – Weston Thobaben | Forward Base: Columbus
10 Activations
Super Tactical Droid (Kalani) (Inspiring Presence, Commanding Presence, Lead by Example, Environmental Gear)
6x Geonosian Warriors (Force Pike Warrior, Geonosian Warrior)
3x STAP Riders (Linked Targeting Array)
Battle Deck:
Disarray, Hemmed In, Advanced Positions, Battle Lines
Bombing Run, Breakthrough, Recover the Supplies, Sabotage the Moisture Vaporators
Supply Drop, Fortified Positions, Limited Visibility, Clear Conditions
Command Hand:
They Too Will Suffer•, Ambush•, Orbital Strike••, Preservation Protocols••, Assault•••, Do Not Underestimate Our Means•••, Standing Orders••••
Weston not only made it to the top 8 with Geonosians, he was the only player at Indy Open with Geonosians. This team hemorrhaged speed and objective play to spam bodies onto objectives and it's opponent. Overrun is also a key element here with being able to throw five or six overrun attacks at the same target. This list shows that the Geonosians still have can be dangerous. So if your looking to run a bug list start DM'ing Weston!
5th Place – Matthew Gergely | Paul's Mandos/50Worst
797/800 (10 activations)
Asajj Ventress (Burst of Speed, Force Push, Into the Fray)
Cad Bane (Duck and Cover, Situational Awareness, Comms Relay, Prepared Supplies)
T-Series Tactical Droid (Improvised Orders)
IG-100 MagnaGuard (RPS-6 MagnaGuard, Situational Awareness, Into the Fray)
2× B1 Battle Droids (EV-Series Medical Droid)
3× B1 Battle Droids (E-5s B1 Trooper)
B1 Battle Droids (E-60R B1 Trooper)
Battle Deck:
Hemmed In, Roll Out, Major Offensive, The Long March
Key Positions, Intercept the Transmissions, Recover the Supplies, Payload
Limited Visibility, Hostile Environment, Supply Drop, Fortified Positions
Command Hand:
• I'm Your Worst Nightmare, • The Jedi Shall Fall, •• I'm in Control, •• I Am Fear, ••• I Make the Rules Now, ••• Yes, My Master, •••• Standing Orders
Tricks and bodies are not a thing to take lightly. Asajj/Bane have more flexibility than most any CIS list and that makes this list shine. The options to hunt bounty or play objectives is great for Cad Bane and Asajj acts as the missile to carve off pesky units from your opponent like BX's or clone commandos. Overall this is a well rounded team!
4th Place – Matt Evans | Indy Garrison
10 Activations
Rebel Officer
Sabine Wren (Situational Awareness, Prepared Supplies, Electro Grappling Line, The Darksaber)
Din Djarin (Din's Flame Projector, The Mando's Jetpack, Din's Amban Rifle)
Fleet Troopers
2x Rebel Troopers (SX-21 Trooper, Rebel Trooper Captain, Prepared Supplies, Situational Awareness)
Mandalorian Resistance (Tristan Wren, Ursa Wren, Situational Awareness, Jetpack Rockets)
Ewok Slingers (Duck and Cover)
2x 1.4 FD Laser Cannon Team (Barrage Generator)
Battle Deck:
Disarray, Major Offensive, Advanced Positions, Hemmed In
Recover the Supplies, Breakthrough, Bombing Run, Payload
Fortified Positions, Supply Drop, Clear Conditions, Limited Visibility
Command Hand:
Explosions!•, This is the Way•, I Like Those Odds••, Symbol of Rebellion••, Whistling Birds•••, Legacy of Mandalore•••, Standing Orders••••
Hey this is me! Din and Sabine offer a plethora of puzzles to think about for your opponent. Mandalorians are great objective players but these two bring the threat of Explosions! and bounty. Both of which make your opponent be on their back foot. Whistling birds is a niche choice for a lot of games but the threat of it is necessary and I was able to pull off 10-12 wounds over the weekend with that card. The Amban Rifle was also handy and helped pull of several closing bounty shots by putting auto wounds on targets.
3rd Place – Brian Baer | Indy Garrison
800/800 8 Activations Yoda (Burst of Speed, Force Barrier, Force Push) Clone Captain Rex (Recon Intel) Phase I Clone Troopers (DP-23 Phase I Trooper, Phase I Clone Captain, Fragmentation Grenades) Phase II Clone Troopers (Boil, Protector) Phase I Clone Troopers (DP-23 Phase I Trooper, Recon Intel, Fragmentation Grenades) 3x Clone Commandos (Katarn Pattern Armor, DC-17m ICWS Config)
Battle Deck:
Hemmed In, Advanced Positions, Major Offensive, Danger Close Payload, Recover the Supplies, Breakthrough, Hostage Exchange Limited Visibility, Supply Drop, Clear Conditions, Fortified Positions
Command Hand:
Size Matters Not•, Call Me Captain•, Take That, Clankers!••, There Is No Try••, We're Not Programmed•••, Luminous Beings Are We•••, Standing Orders••••
Brian Baer didn't bring rebels?!? Just teasing, Brian brought his usual level of crazy with Yoda & Rex Commando's. Brian did mention he chose commandos because of how much his son loves them, which is a super cool tribute!
This list goes full tilt into it's opponent with three infiltrates and a bunch of scout. At least 7/8 units start outside of his deployment zone. Yoda also enables a lot of range 2 Commando play with his There Is No Try card. Overall this is a scary list with only 1 loss all weekend to our 1st place winner.
2rd Place – Trent Hale | 317 Legion
10 Activations
Super Tactical Droid (Kalani) (Improvised Orders, Underworld Connections, Comms Relay)
Bossk (Targeting Scopes)
Cad Bane (Duck and Cover, Situational Awareness, Comms Relay, Electro Gauntlets)
B1 Battle Droids (PK-series Worker Droid, Electrobinoculars)
B1 Battle Droids (HQ Uplink)
3x B1 Battle Droids (E-5s B1 Trooper)
2x DSD1 Dwarf Spider Droid (Attack Protocols, Nose-Mounted Ion Blaster, Linked Targeting Array)
Battle Deck:
Advanced Positions, Battle Lines, Roll Out, Major Offensive
Intercept the Transmissions, Recover the Supplies, Sabotage the Moisture Vaporators, Breakthrough
Supply Drop, Minefield, Fortified Positions, Hostile Environment
Command Hand:
I'm Your Worst Nightmare•, Merciless Munitions•, I'm in Control••, Reptilian Rampage••, I Make the Rules Now•••, Do Not Underestimate Our Means•••, Standing Orders••••
Trent Hale is back from his great showing at Worlds 2023 with another great weekend! This list gives us a classic double bounty empire gun line but in the flavor of droids. Ion Spiders are still very much a good unit and being backed up with repair and two amazing bounty hunters it's a no brainer to see them in this list. Great job Trent!
1st Place – Tyler Carnes | Indy Garrison
800/800 (9 activations)
Super Tactical Droid - Kraken (Aggressive Tactics, Improvised Orders)
T-Series Tactical Droid (Electrobinoculars)
2× B2 Super Battle Droids (B2-HA Trooper)
2× BX-Series Droid Commandos (BX-Series Droid Sniper, Deflector Shields, Impact Grenades)
BX-Series Droid Commandos (BX-Series Droid Sniper, Vibroswords, Impact Grenades)
B1 Battle Droids (E-60R B1 Trooper, PK-Series Worker Droid, HQ Uplink)
B1 Battle Droids (E-60R B1 Trooper, PK-Series Worker Droid)
Battle Deck:
Advanced Positions, Long March, Roll Out, Major Offensive
Hostage Exchange, Recover the Supplies, Sabotage the Moisture Vaporators, Breakthrough
Supply Drop, Clear Conditions, Fortified Positions, Hostile Environment
Command Hand:
• They Too Will Suffer, • Ambush, •• Orbital Strike, •• Preservation Protocols, ••• Do Not Underestimate Our Means, ••• Roger, Roger!, •••• Standing Orders
The menace of Garrison Talks himself, Tyler Carnes, was our first place winner. Once again the boogie man that is Experimental Droids is able to win the day. This list leverages the special rules of being able to spend it's battleforce tokens to increase it's speed, improve shots and other key plays to seal the win no matter what the situation. Tyler was often using the Vibrosword squad to double move charge with an increased speed to catch his opponents off guard. Congratulations to Tyler.
Huge thank you to everyone that came out and we hope to see you again next year. If you missed the Indy Open take a look at the streams now available on our youtube page.