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Writer's pictureMatt Evans

Indianapolis Tournament Circuit - Storm in and Smackdown Top 8

Written by: Matt Evans

31 people! That's right we had a 31 person event here in Indianapolis. The Indy Garrison put on another local event in our "Smackdown series". This event was a single day 3 round event and we are going to take a look at the top 8 players and their teams. But first here is a breakdown of factions that were present at the event and it's a bit of a surprise:

9 - Rebel (25.0%) [1 Echo Base Defenders]

9 - Imperial (25.0%)

2 - Republic (5.6%)

4 - Separatist (11.1%)

7 - Shadow Collective (19.4%)

There was a heavy presence of Rebels, Imperials and Shadow Collective here. An important thing to note is that Din Djarin, IG-11 and IG-88 were allowed and heavily present for this event. There was a very low number of Clone Wars factions in this count, however hold onto your seat, because this top 8 is about to surprise you.

Top 8


8th Place

Player - Kyle (Bertman)

Army - Imperial Highlander

There can only be one! Building a highlander lists that also functions in a competitive tournament is a very hard thing to do. Krennic stays with the gunline and gives his entourage order to the death troopers to comms relay over to the shoretroopers and coordinate to the mortar. This gives Bossk or Boba a fire support option or just better order control from the bag when needed and an aim to the shoretroopers.

This list can function as an all-rounder but also plays greatly into hunting down heroes for the bounty point. Great job to Kyle on breaking into the top 8.


7th Place

Player - John McNeil

Army - New Ways to Win

Old School is the New School. Vader Dews is a classic list with a lot of options to quickly pressure the opponent. With HQ on Boba Fett and the Dewback, the "New Ways to Motivate Them" turn gets the four harassers into the fray turn 1 or 2.

Three charging dewbacks is a lot for most gunlines to deal with if they can get in there. Then there is Commander Vader with burst of speed and Boba fett and a snowtrooper with flamethrower and frags. So the key question for every enemy is, what do you focus on first?


6th Place

Player - Andrew Gleason

Army - The Cinci Collective

KHHAAAANN!!! Screams of wrath fill the internet as we see five pykes in a gunline across the table. This episode of the twilight zone features Cad Bane, Bossk and Gar Saxon.

Seriously though this is an efficient Shadow Collective list that hones in on the kill. Marked for Elimination, Reptilian Rampage and I'm Your Worst Nightmare set it up to make some big heavy hitting plays. This army functions great as a firing line and as a scalpal to cut off the bounty targets. Great job to Andrew Gleason out of Cincinnati.


5th Place

Player - David Blanchard (Angelicsword)

Army - Anakin & Yoda

The Republic seemed to have made a wrong turn somewhere and ended up in the top 8. Our own David Blanchard has fought long and hard to get into the top 8 and he did it with a double force user Clone list.

This is a pretty fearsome list. Once Anakin gets plays "This is Where the Fun Begins" he can get 2 relentless attacks a turn with Yoda's guidance. The duo wrecking ball powers up the middle and taking objectives while barcs hit the flanks and set up fire support.


4th Place

Player - Sean (Dcgoose86)

Army - General Grievous?

Sorry new phone, who dis? General Grevious making an appearance into the top 4, well color me flabbergasted. This list is well, a bit of everything. Fast flanking units, range 4 guns, melee centric dive units. This list takes some classic CIS ideas and adds in a pyke gunline.


3rd Place

Player - Al "Pacino" Paz

Army - Blizzard Force

Deja Vu? This is indeed the same list from the Cincinnati Open Top 8. Ran again by the notorious Al "Pacino" Paz, this list has a bit of everything. Ion? Check. Flamer with frags? Check. Impact for days? Check. Fast flanking units? Check. Long range orbital strikes? Check. This team does what blizzard force does best, move fast, move hard and tries to wipe out the enemy as quickly as possible. This might be the closest thing we have seen in legion to a true blitzkrieg army.


2nd Place

Player - Trent Hale

Army - Double Bounty

Double Bounty with Kalani Spiders is a new one for me. But it was effective enough to make it to top 2. This list has a hearty gunline with a lot of range 4. The great order control gives the bounty hunters the timing they so desperately want. This is a gnarly list, kudos to Trent.


1st Place

Player - Tyler Carnes

Army - Dodge THIS!

High Velocity does some serious work. For a Rebel and Shadow Collective heavy event it's no surprise to see an AAT take first place. This list has some great ways to deal with armor between the rocket Magna guards and the AAT.

It's a pretty simple strategy really. The PK's help keep ion and damage off the AAT and the T-series gives it orders to get aims and blast away turn after turn. Overall a simple scary list with little weaknesses outside some limited mobility.


That's all of the breakdown from the Storm in and Smackdown. Some more specific tournament stats will be available on Legion Stats (via The Fifth Trooper). Thanks for reading, and may the Force be with you!

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