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Writer's pictureMatt Evans

Indianapolis Tournament Circuit - Circle City Cup Top 8

Written by: Matt Evans

The 317 Legion held a 20 person event on the Northside of Indianapolis this past weekend. We are taking a look at the top 8 players and their teams. But first here is a breakdown of factions that we present at the event:

Rebel - 4 Players

Empire - 5 Players

Separatist - 5 Players

Republic - 4 Players

Shadow Collective - 1 Players

This is a fairly even split between most all of the faction, minus Shadow Collective, which is encouraging to see. With 20 players there was a healthy amount of variety in list types (Vehicles, Force Users, gun lines, etc). *note we are missing 1 player's factions

Taking a look at the top 8 shows a very dominant display of imperial might. Empire had 3 of the 4 spots, CIS also had 3 of the top 8 slots. Rebels and Shadow Collective squeaked into the top 8 with 1 player and none of GAR players making it into the top 8. So let's cut the chatter and dive into these list.

Top 8


8th Place

Player - Matt Evans (FlawedZombie)

Army - BOOM Squad

Firstly, yes this is my list, and I just made my way through the day to come in 8th. This list sets up and makes my opponent have to start thinking through what goes into the bus.

Sometimes it's R2/C3PO but most of the time it is the Full Commando's with a saboteur jumping out of the A-A5. The bus can use Ryder Azadi to move speed 2 and then the Sabs can jump out turn 1 and start throwing mines. Jyn can infiltrate to play objectives and Sabine will either run around as a linebacker for the secret mission droid or an aggressor to play explosions. Also let's not forget about the FD that makes it much more scary for the opponent rush units into my line.


7th Place

Player - Scott Huntley (Moon Moon)

Army - PANIC at the Disko

Better bring some inspire, because this list has not 1, not 2, but 5 sources of suppressive ranged guns. This CIS team wants to bring the heat and focus fire units until your poor little Operative Vader cries his way off the table. With Lok Durd, Suppressive orbital strike, Droideka's and Bossk there is enough suppression here to panic palpatine. Great job to Scott for bringing this awesome unique list and performing so well.


6th Place

Player - Mark Notestine

Army - Count Tank-ula

This army is just saturated with threats, Count Dooku with Force Choke, B2's and AAT really make this a formidable army. This is a great all rounder army for CIS with great ways to plink damage with the snipers, push long ranged damage into units with the AAT and bring some close range/melee threat with B2's and Dooku.


5th Place

Player - Anthony Imhof

Army - Swoop that Bounty

The only Shadow Collective player in the day was able to pull off 5th place. Awesome job to Anthony. This list is fast, hits pretty hard and has double the bounty to pull off some extra victory points. It's awesome to see Swoop bikes make it into the top slots and do so well. This all rounder list has a bit of everything: long range, bounty, fast flankers, and close range big damage.


4th Place

Player - Dillan (Grey Fox)

Army - Lizard King

First off congratulations to Dillan for getting 4th in his first Tournament ever. This list has LOTS of threat saturation that wants to keep march until it stomps right over your face. Dewbacks and snowtroopers with an un-panicking courage bubble and multiple ways to compel everything is a gnarly combination.

The Royal Guard can be used to escort vader and the dewbacks and New Ways to Motivate Them can be used to triple move the dewbacks into engagement when they need.


3rd Place

Player - Ty Neff (Captain Needa)

Army - 21 and Over

Vader and Critical Gunline. What more can I say this list takes the best parts of an empire team and maximizes them. Darth Vader can be used as anti armor or just burst into enemy lines.

The 5 critical guns aim (or double aim) to focus down anything that moves. The gunline aim usage here is insane as they can get aims from: aim actions, tapping the specialist, officer with binocs and Coordinated Fire. Another solid showing for Empire.


2nd Place

Player - Brian Baer (weebaer)

Army - Flames and Dioxis

Ugh.... this is the team most everyone was trying to dodge all day. Lol just teasing. This list maximizes everything we love to hate about droids order control, threat saturation and bodies for days.

With 13 activations the Spiders with flamers or the BX's can be timed to be deployed very last to counter enemy deployments and then you are nearly guaranteed to be able to last first with a double move into a turn 2 flame war with the three spider droids.

The critical guns on the B1's are great gunline to aim and focus fire into units or armor and the BX poison bombs provide a wonderful close range deterrent.


1st Place

Player - Joseph Hicks (Kass)

Army - Sunfall

Congratulations to our very own Joe Hicks for getting 1st place. This list takes the concepts of the Black Sun, Shadow Collective Bus lists and brings it into empire. The Black Suns are in the LAAt while Kallus brings in his great card play and Cad bane can hunt for bounty. This is a heavily threat saturated team that brings the heat and was able to make it into first place.


That's all of the breakdown from the Circle city Cup. Some more specific tournament stats will be available on Legion Stats (via The Fifth Trooper). Thanks for reading, and may the Force be with you!

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