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Writer's pictureMatt Evans

Indianapolis Tournament Circuit - Cinninnati Open Top 8

Written by: Matt Evans

There was a 21 person event at the CinCityCon in Cinncinnati this past weekend (Not Indianapolis, I know). This event was a 2 day 5 round event and we are going to take a look at the top 8 players and their teams. But first here is a breakdown of factions that we present at the event *(however, we are missing a few of the lists, so the breakdown may be incomplete) :

Rebel - 5 Players

Empire - 2 Players

Separatist - 2 Players

Republic - 4 Players

Shadow Collective - 2 Players

There was a heavy presence of Rebels and Republic players at the Cincinnati Open, with a surprisingly fewer amount of the other 3 factions present. However I can say this was a vehicle heavy event with LAATs, Speeder Bikes, Swoop Bikes, Barc Speeders, Landspeeders, A-A5's and more. So without much ado, let us dive into our top 8.

Top 8


8th Place

Player - Adam Slaber (SpikedApples)

Army - Double Trouble Tap

Fire up the hard rock music and pull your goggles down, this list wants to launch two speeders into your flanks turn one. It can fire four landspeeder shots in a single round with 8 dice each (4 black, 4 white) at range 2. Add to that it can shoot with 21 dice with the FD's at range 5 and this is just a dice chucking nightmare for your opponent to survive. The Vets and mark 2's give fire support and more critical options with some clear order control available. The Rebel Sabatour (one of my personal favorites) are a great melee and close range deterrent and work well to grab back objectives while the rest of the list causes a distraction.

Overall this is a crazy team and clearly an inspired list that brings a lot of unorthodox puzzle boxes for its opponent to try and solve.


7th Place

Player - Al "Pacino" Paz

Army - The Quad Bike Special

This list has a bit of everything. Ion? Check. Flamer with frags? Check. Impact for days? Check. Fast flanking units? Check. Long range orbital strikes? Check. This team does what blizzard force does best, move fast, move hard and tries to wipe out the enemy as quickly as possible. This might be the closest thing we have seen in legion to a true blitzkrieg army.


6th Place

Player - Matt Alward

Army - Double Bounty Special

One of only two droid players present, this list was able to battle its way into the top 8. Bounty hunters are on the rise and making waves in the current "META". This list is flexible with ways to punch through with range 4 critical and some impressive melee with the magna droids and two options for bounties.

Using Kalani to help keep order control while using mostly operative cards is a great combo and magna's keep him save from orbital strikes or flanking units while he moves up. This is a great all rounder list.


5th Place

Player - Mason Davis

Army - Deploy the Boba

Another great all rounder and bounty list. Mason was able to be one of the only two Empire players to make it into top 8. Dewbacks for melee, Deathtroopers and Snipers for long range and Boba of course for bounty, this is a fun list. I am a little surprised at all 3 Boba cards here as cunning cannot be used on his cards but obviously Mason made it work.


4th Place

Player - Trace Hazelbaker

Army - Only Luke

"There can only be one" Luke Skywalker. This highlander adjacent list brings a bit of everything. The tauntauns and swoops can run a charging cavalry into opponents lines and the A-A5 can be used to cover them both or escort Luke or R2 to their destinations. This list has options to play a couple of different ways.

I Am A Jedi being in here also gives Trace's team a lot of opportunity for surprise gotcha moments and bringing general trouble to his enemy.


3rd Place

Player - Brett Renko

Army - Ion Plaza

For a vehicle heavy event, this list is somewhat of a nightmare. But color me surprised to see rebel ion trooper AND Leia Organa in the top 3 at a big event. However Captain's with offensive push and ion guns on the rebels is a very efficient combos (I say that having been on the receiving end of them). The wookiee's are a great melee and ranged threat, the pykes are efficient and leia brings some great synergy with her No Time For Sorrows play.

Overall this list is actually pretty well rounded and very fierce. Kudos to Brett!


2nd Place

Player - Ryan Sliwoski

Army - The Lucky Bistan

Yes I know Bistan isn't in this list but he was used a rebel officer proxy for luck. lol

For anyone that's played mandalorians in rebels lately you might know that their main weaknesses are bad saves and suppression. This list takes those assumptions and flips them on their heads. Sabine has access to two cards that give her a free recover plus two cards that can give her start of the round dodges. Cassian, Commando Snipers and even Clan Wren can ensure long range pierce shots coming through to blink things down as sabine moves up to prepare an opening for Explosions!


1st Place

Player - Matt Evans

Army - Party Jyn

So as any one in the inner circle of play for the garrison knows. This is my Party Jyn list (As in Party Bus + Jyn). I put Jyn in the landspeeder and pump aims into her, the landspeeder, the bus and/or the wookiees. With Jyn's SE-14 Blaster Jyn is able to get about two aims and punch through a big surge to crit sharpshooter 1 suppressive shot. On her one pip turn she can shoot twice at someone (often before they rally) pushing 4 suppression onto a unit with just her that round.

Wookiees jump out of the A-A5 to charge into a save melee. They can also gain teamwork with Jyn for a turn to get aims/dodges to stay safe when they get into melee and live longer. And Armor, well this team has access to 10 repairs on the vehicles and R2 to really keep the vehicles afloat.


That's all of the breakdown from the Cincinnati Open. Some more specific tournament stats will be available on Legion Stats (via The Fifth Trooper). Thanks for reading, and may the Force be with you!

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