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GENCON 2023 – Top 16 (Top 8 from both heats)

Written by Matt Evans (FlawedZombie)

August 3-6 was Gen Con 2023, and you guessed it, there was a Star Wars Legion tournament. It was a 4-day tournament with 2 heats on Thursday & Friday with top cuts going to Saturday and a final top 4 cut on Sunday. Because of the nature of the tournament and the cuts we will be divulging from our usual top 8 look to see the entire top 16 (top 8 from both cut days) sorted by their final placements.


Honorable Mention to: Billy Wilkins - Tempest Force

We wanted to give an honorable shout out to Billy Wilkins for making top 8 on the Thursday heat but not being able to play on Saturday. Billy brought a triple ATST Tempest Force list that ended up being very successful and was the only Tempest Force player to make top 16 cut. Congratulations to Billy.

16) Kevin Oakes - Cody and the Barc's

Kevin brought an awesome Clone list that synergizes around Cody. This clone ball has solid ranged firepower, anti armor, and ways to share tokens to shoot and save better. All around this is a solid clone list that is flexible and did well.

15) Tyrus Neff - Agents of Fulcrum

The "New" rebel way is at work here. This is a solid gunline that sports Ahsoka, Cassian and K-2SO. The synergy to get dodge on your heroes is amazing and the gunline outranges most other lists. This is a stout team.

14) Matt Evans - Dodge Chargers

My list really shoves all its strategy into close range effectiveness. With Ahsoka's 2-pip this army can weather most alpha strikes very well to help it close the gap into range 2.

13) Kyle Kronlokken - Remnant Kronlokken

Imperial Remnant is a very strong battle force that plays the ranged exchange exceedingly well. This version really sits well in the range 4 exchange and with plenty of critical and anti-armor it is no shock to see it make top 16.

12) Nik L - "Yes, bringing armor to an impact fight, they'll never see it coming".

I personally had to play Nik on the Thursday heat and let me just say that this list is a monster to try to take on. The double AAT's like to sit and blast at range 4 with high velocity shots and the b1s walk up to grab objectives and throw supporting shots as well. And lets not forget that if you ignore that Black Sun unit you will regret it later.

11) Jake Castiglia - We are the E-E-E-E-E-Ewoks

The only bright tree list to make it into top 16, Jake had a great list and awesome team. This brings a little bit of the each of the best stuff of Bright Tree. It has the Leia/Wickett teamwork, Logray tokens & heals and of course a Chewbacca ATST.

10) Michael Smith - A Rebel Gunline?

Michael Smith "GM Smithers" brought his version of an Ahsoka dodge spam gunline. It is only nine activations but they are fairly beefy activations with great range and critical and impact. Overall a solid competitor and I especially love the addition of HQ uplink to put out some additional order control with the vet and FD.

9) Nathan Nicholson - Kermit and the Bois

Full arc troopers went down to 66 points? Seems good. This list is only seven activations but its got some mean punch at range 2. It had all the tricks of Yoda to play objectives and all the options to fire support units off the board to close that activation gap.

8) Brian Baer - Toxic Flamenwerfers

What would a tournament in Indianapolis be without the non-sense lists that Brian Baer brings. This list leans hard into killing anything organic. The Spider flamers take out your high body corp units and the BX mines and rad cannons do wounds to your heroes and key pieces.

7) Adam Slaber - This Deal is Getting Worse All the Time!

Adam "the Lists" Slaber brought a very mean version of Rebel long range firepower. All of these ranged attacks + Rule with Respect makes for a mean alpha strike. Then with all the sentinel standbys and Lando's tricky play the rest of the list can close the gap.

6) Matthew Beaty - Shadow Collective

Kill, Kill, Kill. This list wants to hit the gas and move right at your opponent. Between the black sun mag-dets and the swoops everything here wants to get in close to finish the job.

5) Matthew Gergely - Greg's Merry band of Mercs

Gergely brought the same list that did so well at the Indy Open a few months back in June. This list is a solid close range finisher.


4) Jason Baird - Ani-Can!

Anakin gun lines have become somewhat of an identity list for clones lately. And this team is just that. Solid Token sharing, great fire support platforms and a force user are an all around fighting force that can play most every objective. Jason did a great job getting into top 4.

3) Izzy G - "Middle" Management

This "Middle Management" list focuses on Kallus & Iden to build around a Tactical strike alpha strike. Then once all of its enemies are injured or killed, Boba Fett can clean up the leftovers. A solid imperial strategy from a very solid legion player. Congratulations to Izzy.

2) Jake Parker - Peace and Security

Jake Parker is a semi-local out of Ohio, correct me on that if I am wrong, great job to Jake on getting top 4. Not only did he do great with his remnant list but he also did amazing with e-web troopers and a naked dark trooper unit. Jake used the Dark Troopers as a melee dive to get into trouble enemy units and tie them up so the rest of the army can do what it does best and shoot, shoot, shoot.

1) Danny "Kiramode" Trujillo - Yoda/Chewie Combo

Everyone's favorite little trashcan is back. We have not seen R2-D2 make top cut, let alone win an event, in a very long time. Yoda gets some great extra mobility with Chewbacca and R2-D2 gets some extra moves with Yoda (particularly on his blast off turn). The Barcs are great for bombing run and using the naked clones for fire support. The 13 point bid also forces you to play the games Yoda/R2 want from you. A mean menace of a team and solid congratulations to Danny on his win.

Huge shout out to all players and staff at the Gen Con 2023 event! Thank you for reading.

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